Bass Tool & Supply Inc.

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MFG Part #
Aladinn 6800 Pail
• 6800 - For heavier machining
Clear light amber fluids which have high boundary film lubricity, and superior cooling characteristics. They are formulated to provide extreme pressure lubricity for turning and threading high tensile strength alloys. Designed to reject tramp oil to extend sump life and machine tool cleanliness. Suitable for ferrous and non-ferrous metals including high nickel stainless, but excluding magnesium and copper (some light staining on copper may occur). Clean operating and protects against rust with high alkaline reserves and is hard water stable.
• Provides excellent anti-weld characteristics
• Provides excellent lubricity and wetting properties
• Does not contain chlorine or sulfur
• Environmentally friendly
• Anti-misting agent, improving air quality
• Minimal BOD and COD problems
• Hard water stable
• NO foam

Brand = US-22
Type = Synthetic Coolants
Size = 5 Gallon